
Welcome all to our blog. in this blog we talk about Bogor Botanical Garden. well enjoy.

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Point of Place

1.         Taman Astrid/Astrid park

Astrid Park was built to commemorating visit of Princess Astrid and Prince Leopold of Belgium in 1928. Astrid road divides into two paths bordered by flower beads are red and yellow with blackish-brown leaf color that symbolizes the flag of Belgium.


2.         Taman Teysmann/Teysmann Park

Teysmann Park was built in 1884 by M. Treub. This park is a place to remember Johannes Elias Teiysmann who has been a director of Bogor Botanical Gardens from 1831-1867. This park is a park that has a style similar to the British Garden. This can be seen from the striking color elements and form a symmetrical garden. The trees located in parks Teiysmann specially formed, such as pyramid-shaped or round. Teiysmann Park has a monument in the middle that are interesting points.

3.         Kolam Gunting/Scissors Park

In Bogor Palace Scissors filled pond surrounded with so many lotus flowers. In the middle of the pond there is an artificial island as a refuge plant variety of birds. Carrying more than 50 species of birds exist here, are like orioles, walik flowers, finches, kucica, herons, egrets, and cinenen gray.

4.       Museum Zoology Bogor

Museum Zoology Bogor. It is a museum building which was set up precisely in August 1894 by Dr. J.C. Koningsberger that bertujuang to collect fauna or a variety of preserved animals. located on Jalan Ir. No.9 H. Juanda, Bogor, West Java with an area of ​​1.500m2 space that until now has nearly 2,000 species of animals that have been expressed about 75 boxes and 60 vitrine.

Collection of animals that have been preserved in the zoological museum consists of various kinds of animals exist in Indonesia, while also there is the Blue whale skeleton (Balanoptera musculus), the largest in Indonesia.

As for the price of admission approximately Rp. 1,000 (one thousand dollars) for children and adults and entourage.


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