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Bogor Presidential Palace

Bogor Presidential Palace is located in the Village Paledang, Bogor City Central District, Municipality of Bogor, West Java, around 60 kilometers from Jakarta or 43 kilometers from Cipanas. This palace is located on the ground is flat, covering an area of ​​approximately 28.86 hectares, at an altitude of 290 meters above sea level.

Based on the shape of the building, the Palace of Bogor has an eclectic style
(Style of the building after the classical era), which is a combination of
variety of cultures, namely Greece, Renaissan, and Roman. Greek style is characterized by the existence of the pillars that form ionic pillar (the pillar-shaped like a horn), Doric (plain pillars), or corentian (pillars of
shaped flowers), and many sculptures. Renaissan style is characterized by a symmetrical shape and tripartis building, which has the right side, left side,
and the middle and with a monumental structure, luxurious, and followed by the main elements of water (ponds) and plants (plant group). In addition
there are also three parts of the building, the stairs, the body home and roof. The Roman style is characterized by a dome shape on top of the building.

Bogor Presidential Palace History began with the Governor-General of the Netherlands named GW Baron van Inhoff, who seek a retreat and managed to find a rest house (August 10, 1744), named Buitenzorg (meaning free of problems / difficulties). He himself made sketches and to build (1745-1750) architecture modeled Blehheim Palace, the residence of the Duke of Malborough, near the city of Oxford in England.

The main functions of the Presidential Palace, the palace of the Dutch colonial period serves as a resting place. But after the independence era turned into the president's office and official residence of the President of the Republic of Indonesia.
In line with its function had occurred at the Bogor Presidential Palace, among others
(A) Five State Conference (28 to 29 December 1954)
(B) Signing of Letter Eleven Commandments in March 1966 known as Supersemar.
(C) The discussion of the problem of conflict Cambodia, Jakarta Informal Meeting (JIM)
(D) APEC Leaders' Meeting (15 November 1994).


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