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Plant Species in Bogor Botanical Garden

As an institution which is engaged in ex-situ conservation of the Bogor Botanical Gardens to collect the plant species that have different potentials to be developed suchas medicinal plants. Most of the medicinal plant species cultivated in Bogor Botanical Gardens collection profession XXIV A. and XXIV B. Until now, the collection ofmedicinal plants in the profession XXIV A total 175 species consisting of 55 tribes and144 genera. While the collection of medicinal plants in the profession as many as 228species XXIV B, consisting of 65 tribes and 172 genera. Several kinds of herbs,especially in the form of trees, planted outside the profession XXIV, including the Acid (Tamarindus indica),  Pule (Alostonia scholaris), sintok (Cinnamomum sintok),  and Puleu finches (Raufolvia sumatrana).

 Tamarindus indica
                                                                                                                                                                                    Alstonia scholaris      There are several kinds of herbs that not only the collection also grow spontaneously in KRB. Such as vinca (Catharanthus roseus), kuwalot (Brucea javanica) and tempuyung (Sonchus arvensis). Because it is easy to grow and many are found in various places,usually these types are considered wild, and less attention. And his usefulness as a potential medicinal plant. For example vinca. Plants that have a Latin name Catharanthus roseus contains not less than 100 alkaloids such as vincristine andvinblastine which are being developed into an anti-cancer compounds. And also ajmalicine potentially overcome heart problems (Snoijer, 1996) 
                                                               Brucea javanica

A variety of aquatic plants in the Bogor Botanical Gardens. Not only are native to Indonesia, but also collections from various countries. There are mini lotus fromGuinea and West Java, there is a giant lotus or Victoria amazonica (Poepp.)Sowerby derived from the Brazilian Amazon river. Grass antenna, and Cyperuspapyrus L., paper material from the river nil, Africa.

Broadly speaking, water plants are grouped into 4 types namely:

* Oxygen Water Plant

Cultivation of aquatic plants, oxygen is usually done at the aquarium. His trademark isthe whole plant parts submerged in water. He was able to clean the air, absorb theexcessive salt content in water, a shelter and save the fish eggs. This plant is suitablebe used as an ornamental aquarium plant. Examples are Hydrilla verticilata,Utricuralia bifida, Limnophila sessiliflora.

                                                                    Hydrilla verticilata

* Floating Water Plants

Floating water plants are easily recognized because their roots do not requiregrowing media other than water. Examples of water hyacinth (Eichornia crasipes) andbutterfly (Pistia stratiotes).

                                                                 Eichornia crasipes

* Mud Water Plant

As the name suggests these plants need the media in the muddy water. Typicallyused to give an impression of nature on the pond. Examples are Echinodorus andAraceae (Talas-talasan).


* Edge of Water Plants

Usually it grows in place that is always wet, in a puddle of water or swamps.Therefore, often the pool section and the background of the pond. Examples areAcorus Calamus, Cyperus spp., Sagittaria spp. Characteristics, although the stem issubmerged, most of the stems, leaves and flowers appear on the surface of thewater. Media using the earnings of land submerged.

                                                                  Acorus Calamus

Bogor Botanical Gardens are not only collected rare plants such as bintaro (Cerberamanghas L.), fruit namnam (Cynometra cauliflora L.), or rukam aka Flacourtiajangomas (Lour.) Raeusch. Bogor Botanical Gardens are also popular stores such astree crops or fro bogor (Arenga pinnata), Kemang (Mangifera caesia), cinnamon(Cinnamomum burmanni), Cola acuminate or a fruit drink made ​​of raw materials CocaCola, and others.

                                                                     Cerbera manghas L
Cynometra cauliflora L

 Vines are often used as an ornamental plant. Many beautiful gardens have ornamentalpergola of vines. Not a few beautiful flowering vines. String of flowers, foliage, andeven buahnyapun often give the impression that romantic. Vines are not onlyinteresting in terms of aesthetics. But it is also interesting in terms of biology, howpropagation, pemamfaataannya in human life, until towards the cultivation.

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Awal Rachmansyah

Hi guys,my name is Awal Rachmansyah.You can call me Awal.I come from Jakarta,Indonesia.
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Bimo Mahesa Irfianto

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Ekki Agung Eriansyah

Assalamualaikum ..
My name is  ekki agung eriansyah, you can call me ekkiiii, I really like making jokes. but not excessive. I think it is enough to introduce myself. and I have a beautiful word ... 'be the first or you'll be last '


Fajar Hidayat

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Hayuning Widyandhani

Hallo friends, my name is Hayuning Widyandhani
i studied at at SMAN 42 Jakarta.

Nadia Dija Aisiya
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Bhinneka's Park

Lady Raffles monument

King's Tree

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Bogor Presidential Palace

Bogor Presidential Palace is located in the Village Paledang, Bogor City Central District, Municipality of Bogor, West Java, around 60 kilometers from Jakarta or 43 kilometers from Cipanas. This palace is located on the ground is flat, covering an area of ​​approximately 28.86 hectares, at an altitude of 290 meters above sea level.

Based on the shape of the building, the Palace of Bogor has an eclectic style
(Style of the building after the classical era), which is a combination of
variety of cultures, namely Greece, Renaissan, and Roman. Greek style is characterized by the existence of the pillars that form ionic pillar (the pillar-shaped like a horn), Doric (plain pillars), or corentian (pillars of
shaped flowers), and many sculptures. Renaissan style is characterized by a symmetrical shape and tripartis building, which has the right side, left side,
and the middle and with a monumental structure, luxurious, and followed by the main elements of water (ponds) and plants (plant group). In addition
there are also three parts of the building, the stairs, the body home and roof. The Roman style is characterized by a dome shape on top of the building.

Bogor Presidential Palace History began with the Governor-General of the Netherlands named GW Baron van Inhoff, who seek a retreat and managed to find a rest house (August 10, 1744), named Buitenzorg (meaning free of problems / difficulties). He himself made sketches and to build (1745-1750) architecture modeled Blehheim Palace, the residence of the Duke of Malborough, near the city of Oxford in England.

The main functions of the Presidential Palace, the palace of the Dutch colonial period serves as a resting place. But after the independence era turned into the president's office and official residence of the President of the Republic of Indonesia.
In line with its function had occurred at the Bogor Presidential Palace, among others
(A) Five State Conference (28 to 29 December 1954)
(B) Signing of Letter Eleven Commandments in March 1966 known as Supersemar.
(C) The discussion of the problem of conflict Cambodia, Jakarta Informal Meeting (JIM)
(D) APEC Leaders' Meeting (15 November 1994).


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Ox Statue

Nandi Ox Displays figure as found in a Hindu temple in Central Java, Prambanan Temple, Cow Nandi is the vehicle of the god Shiva. The statue is derived from an ancient pool in Kota batu, Ciapus, which was moved by Dr Bogor. Frideriech to the Bogor Botanical Gardens in the mid-19th century. While the inscription on the side, said to be the result Frideriech, which means "Not far from here there is a pool".
Another version states that the CGC Reinwardt (who founded the Bogor Botanical Gardens in 1817) that move this statue and make the inscriptions in ancient Sundanese writing. Nandi Ox Statues like this are also contained in the Bogor palace, but it was bigger.

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Point of Place

1.         Taman Astrid/Astrid park

Astrid Park was built to commemorating visit of Princess Astrid and Prince Leopold of Belgium in 1928. Astrid road divides into two paths bordered by flower beads are red and yellow with blackish-brown leaf color that symbolizes the flag of Belgium.


2.         Taman Teysmann/Teysmann Park

Teysmann Park was built in 1884 by M. Treub. This park is a place to remember Johannes Elias Teiysmann who has been a director of Bogor Botanical Gardens from 1831-1867. This park is a park that has a style similar to the British Garden. This can be seen from the striking color elements and form a symmetrical garden. The trees located in parks Teiysmann specially formed, such as pyramid-shaped or round. Teiysmann Park has a monument in the middle that are interesting points.

3.         Kolam Gunting/Scissors Park

In Bogor Palace Scissors filled pond surrounded with so many lotus flowers. In the middle of the pond there is an artificial island as a refuge plant variety of birds. Carrying more than 50 species of birds exist here, are like orioles, walik flowers, finches, kucica, herons, egrets, and cinenen gray.

4.       Museum Zoology Bogor

Museum Zoology Bogor. It is a museum building which was set up precisely in August 1894 by Dr. J.C. Koningsberger that bertujuang to collect fauna or a variety of preserved animals. located on Jalan Ir. No.9 H. Juanda, Bogor, West Java with an area of ​​1.500m2 space that until now has nearly 2,000 species of animals that have been expressed about 75 boxes and 60 vitrine.

Collection of animals that have been preserved in the zoological museum consists of various kinds of animals exist in Indonesia, while also there is the Blue whale skeleton (Balanoptera musculus), the largest in Indonesia.

As for the price of admission approximately Rp. 1,000 (one thousand dollars) for children and adults and entourage.


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