Tamarindus indica
Alstonia scholaris There are several kinds of herbs that not only the collection also grow spontaneously in KRB. Such as vinca (Catharanthus roseus), kuwalot (Brucea javanica) and tempuyung (Sonchus arvensis). Because it is easy to grow and many are found in various places,usually these types are considered wild, and less attention. And his usefulness as a potential medicinal plant. For example vinca. Plants that have a Latin name Catharanthus roseus contains not less than 100 alkaloids such as vincristine andvinblastine which are being developed into an anti-cancer compounds. And also ajmalicine potentially overcome heart problems (Snoijer, 1996)
Brucea javanica
Broadly speaking, water plants are grouped into 4 types namely:
* Oxygen Water Plant
Cultivation of aquatic plants, oxygen is usually done at the aquarium. His trademark isthe whole plant parts submerged in water. He was able to clean the air, absorb theexcessive salt content in water, a shelter and save the fish eggs. This plant is suitablebe used as an ornamental aquarium plant. Examples are Hydrilla verticilata,Utricuralia bifida, Limnophila sessiliflora.
Hydrilla verticilata
Floating water plants are easily recognized because their roots do not requiregrowing media other than water. Examples of water hyacinth (Eichornia crasipes) andbutterfly (Pistia stratiotes).
Eichornia crasipes
* Mud Water Plant
As the name suggests these plants need the media in the muddy water. Typicallyused to give an impression of nature on the pond. Examples are Echinodorus andAraceae (Talas-talasan).
* Edge of Water Plants
Usually it grows in place that is always wet, in a puddle of water or swamps.Therefore, often the pool section and the background of the pond. Examples areAcorus Calamus, Cyperus spp., Sagittaria spp. Characteristics, although the stem issubmerged, most of the stems, leaves and flowers appear on the surface of thewater. Media using the earnings of land submerged.
Acorus Calamus
Cerbera manghas L